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15mm Blue Moon War Paint Range Released for Historicon

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unknown member writes:

Those do look good. I can use the US cavalry for my VSF Texicans, too! May pick up a pack or so at Historicon. But add my vote for some infantry as well!

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unknown member of Blue Moon Manufacturing writes:

15mm War Paint figures

Blue Moon Manufacturing has just released the next range of beautifully sculpted 15mm figures. This next range is War Paint (Little Big Horn). This line features ten codes of U.S. cavalry and Plains Indians. It is filled with a wide variety of poses, both in the mounted and the dismounted figures. There is also a package of resin tepees for those raids and campaigns against Indian villages.

Plains Indians
15LBH101  Mounted Plains Warriors 30 figs            $15.00 USD
15LBH102 Mounted Chieftains - 10 figs $12.00 USD
15LBH103 Dismounted Plains Warriors 30 figs $15.00 USD
15LBH104 Plains Warriors Casualties 15 figs Coming
15LBH105 Indian Villagers 30 figs Coming
15LBH106 Mounted U.S. Cavalry with Command 30 figs $35.00 USD
15LBH107 Dismounted U.S. Cavalry with Command
30 figs $15.00 USD
15LBH108 U.S. Cavalry Casualties 15 figs Coming
15LBH109 Last Stand Vignette Coming
15LBH110 Little Big Horn Personalities Coming
15LBH111 Indian Tepees 5 tepees $20.00 USD

Check these out on the or the websites.

US Cavalry

As always, the Old Glory Army discount applies to the Blue Moon Manufacturing products.

For more information