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Perry: Plastic ACW Cavalry Update

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Gallowglass writes:

"I sure wish that the figures would be preassembled. Putting together figures is a turnoff for me as the only assembly option I have is epoxy (chemical sensitivity allergy to fast set glues). 8("

Any gaming buddy you could get to do that little job for you?

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Michael and Alan Perry of Perry Miniatures writes:

We thought you might like to have a look at the first shots of the cavalry.

Cavalry line-up

Here's a couple of pictures of the contents of the forthcoming box, plus a couple of painted examples (we just couldn't help ourselves).

Cavalry sprues

We will both be at Salute selling the infantry and possibly the cavalry, if they're ready! Please note that Dave Thomas will be selling the infantry and the normal metal ranges as usual.

Painted by Michael Perry

We're also staging an ACW game with hundreds of painted plastics. Come and have a look and a chat!

Painted by Michael Perry

We're at stand TE 14, and gaming at GE 13 just across the way.