We are delighted to be able to announce that we have purchased Mainforce Miniatures and the Hallmark range of 15mm figures, carts and wagons.
These ranges were previously owned by Noble Miniatures in the U.S.A., and whilst we have stocked them for over eleven years, we could not always get stock in as fast as customers wanted. The molds arrived in the U.K. last Friday, and we have now had the opportunity to sort out the molds and get all orders awaiting items on their way as of this morning. So, if you have been waiting for your order to be completed, rest assured your products are on their way.

We have cast up examples of each of the codes for our painter, and will get them processed and photographed for the web as soon as possible. We will be taking the opportunity to have a critical look at the pack compositions and prices as soon as possible. And we plan some expansion of the Hallmark part of the range, too of which, more later.
The upshot of all this is that when you order Mainforce 6mm WWII and modern figures and any of the Hallmark 15mm in future, you will not experience delays of weeks or months. Your order will simply be cast as we do for all our other 'in house' ranges, and be dispatched as soon as possible after that. Great news, we're sure you'll agree.
In other news, we continue to develop our new website, and surely every day that goes by is a day closer to launch! It has been a tricky project, but it will offer us much more flexibility (e.g., in the way postage and packaging is calculated) in order to make it fairer and cost effective for you and for us.