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Revelation Miniatures' 1st Release Ships

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Hundvig Fezian writes:

Interesting concept there, and the sculpting looks good. Little big, but if they're supposed to be robotic or power armor types, I guess they'll work.

Hmmm…a chess-themed villain team for SuperSystem?


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revelation miniatures of Revelation Miniatures writes:

Our first three miniatures are stocked, and all pre-orders have been shipped. The beautifully sculpted and cast 32mm scale miniatures can be seen at our website:

The Rook is $7.49 USD, the Bishop is $6.99 USD, and the King is $6.99 USD. You save 15% if you buy all three, and orders $50 USD and over receive free shipping.

Three casts

Here are two pictures: one of the three casts; and another with all three next to a GW mini, a Warmachine mini, and a Reaper mini.

Scale reference