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28mm Colonials Added to Castaway Arts Site

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colin knight writes:

Looking very good. I have a few of the biblical figures. Some gems in there. Sculpting is up a level with these colonials though.

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19th Century

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Gerry Webb of Castaway Arts writes:

Castaway Arts has added 33 more 28mm Colonial miniatures to our site catalogue, with pics of all figures.

British Army

There are new British Infantry wearing valise equipment, to join the existing figures with pouch belt equipment in our British Colonial Army range. The Indian range consists of ten badmashi figures suitable for a great many armies and eras of the Indian sub-continent. And last but not least, the Ghurkas! All these ranges include both command and rank and file.


Finally, there are new gun crews of four figures each, for British Colonials, Italian Askari and Haussas in the Ashanti war. These last may be useful in a wide variety of Colonial African guises.

British gun crew
Haussa gun crew

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