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Open Letter from Tony Reidy of Wargames Factory

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CelticPagan writes:


Here conclusions and assessments are rather spot on.

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Tony Reidy has asked that we publish the following letter:

Wai Kee Hui - if your true intention is to salvage this company and pay back the debts - you have started down the absolutely wrong path.

I understand that this is so far beneath you because you run so many multi-yuan millions businesses - but if you want to salvage anything, you are proceeding in the absolutely worst direction right now.

Your faith in Lonnie Mullins is incredibly misguided. You're trusting a guy who threw me under the bus in order to save his own skin. A guy who has no honor whatsoever.

I gave Lonnie a job because he got laid off from selling paper utensils at Solo Cup. I felt I owed him after all the time he spent supporting the company. It was a huge mistake - and if I had listened to my "gut" I wouldn't have. He was brought in as a "sales" man - but he's not. He's an order taker. He sends out emails and hopes people buy something. If you think he's going to grow the business, you're smoking something.

On top of that - the PR nightmare Lonnie is creating right now is shocking. Lonnie has no filter. He can't speak decently to a customer without either pointing out a mistake the customer is making or trying to promote his own self-worth.

He is the king of turning people off because he's so full of himself - albeit with little "there" to back it up. I'm amazed that a guy I saved from unemployment would turn around and Bleeped text me this way. He's a scum bag.

As a now 4% owner in WF (down from 41%) - and nothing else at this point - I will tell you right now that Lonnie is not the resource you need to salvage things.

If you had actually shipped all the product we requested on the dates you said, this company could be salvaged. But until that happens, it will die a slow death.

If you want to make this work - get back on the track we started in August when I signed the deal to give you control.

Otherwise, I'm done with Wargames Factory. I signed an agreement to buy back the company in early January. I stand by that. But if you are going to continue to go down this path - "green" packaging - which basically means you are sticking a "sticker" on the face of a generic box - or sets that don't have the components I designed - then fine. I leave you to it. It is not the vision for WF that I or the rest of the team had. Howard Whitehouse, John Morse, and Tim Barry are incredible assets for the company and people who work their tales off to make things happen. They were the core team who I knew could take WF to the next level when we signed the deal with you. But it didn't happen on your end.

I've had zero control over this company since July/August... and now you are reaping the negative rewards. I can save it - I want to save it. The rest of the team is ready to get back in and make it happen.

Instead, you've shut us out of decision making - you've cut us off from the funds and given us zero ability to service the customer since October.

The wargames community completely supports a company like ours. But they will not support a company that doesn't respond to their emails and causes ongoing delays.

I welcome the opportunity to salvage Wargames Factory and buy back the controlling ownership. But I fear you have decided to go in a different direction that will result in the company failing and ultimately collapsing.

Please prove me wrong. The wargames community deserves a company like what I envisioned. A company that builds the sets they request. Let me make that a reality again.

All the best,

Tony Reidy