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PAINTING 28mm WARGAMING FIGURES: Volume 6 – The Age of Reason 1660-1780
Large format, all-color paperback details how to paint 28mm miniatures by color schemes rather than organized by war. Includes helpful tips on the varnishing and basing of figures, the making of washes, and the production of home-made flags from digital images. $42.00 USD

HAIL CAESAR: The War of the Roses
This supplement extends Hail Caesar to let you fight through the medieval civil war that raged across England in the 15th Century. Contains rules for representing the massed ranks of archers, billmen and men-at-arms so common in English armies of the period, and the tactics they used. Scenarios include Tewkesbury, St. Albans, Towton, and Bosworth. A copy of the Hail Caesar rulebook is required to use this supplement. $40.00 USD
OMM Discount 10%: Now $36.00 USD

MIDGARD: Rulers and Tokens Set
This token and ruler set is designed specifically for Midgard Heroic Battles, consisting of all you are likely to need for a normal-to-large-size game. Contains Half Spear Throw Ruler, 6cm; One Spear Throw Ruler, 12cm; Two Spear Throw Ruler, 24cm; Eight Charging or Winning Marker; and Six Shot Marker. $15.00 USD

THE ITALIAN ARMY IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR VOLUME 2: The Grey-Green Uniforms from 1909 to 1919
This illustrated double volume recounts the transformations experienced by the Italian Army during the war, through the presentation of over 500 weapons, pieces of equipment, protective gear, badges, and decorations. Divided into 14 chapters, the text delves into the evolution of edged weapons and firearms (short, long, individual and team firearms) and the progressive introduction and development of hand and rifle grenades. It then focuses on individual equipment, equipment for mountain warfare, the use and development of wire cutters, equipment in military healthcare, and communication tools. The volume than presents individual protection systems (gas masks and protective gear developed for chemical warfare; trench shields), with a review of individual fatigue and work equipment (fatigue uniform, other protective clothing, footwear). It ends with the presentation of insignias, badges and official medals in use by the Italian Army, during the war and in the aftermath of the conflict. The items described come from the collections of the Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra and other public and private international collections. The repertoire covers all the army's supplies – except for artisanal production – up to the end of WWI. Over 500 historical photos describes the pieces. $249.00 USD

This book explores the Ammunition and Fuzes of the Rifled Breech Loading (RBL) and Rifled Muzzle Loading (RML). The Royal Laboratory (RL) plates were the working plans produced to accompany the various editions of the Treatise on Ammunition. While the treatises can be found in various editions and reprints, only a few RL plates have previously been made available even to researchers. Illustrated mostly in color throughout, including 238 scale Royal Laboratory plates and 74 tables. $71.00 USD

THE ROYAL BAVARIAN MILITARY MERIT ORDER: Its History, Holders and Decoration from 1866 to 1943
Three volumes, each with hard-cardboard cover and dust-jacket, in hard-cardboard slipcase, total 1,288 pages and contains more than 2,750 color and black-and-white illustrations of the royal Bavarian Military Merit Order awards in its 250 manufacturer variants. In over 330 portraits and detailed biographies, the holders of the order are presented with around 200 award certificates and about 150 original, historical medal brooch bars; and all the production, award and return figures for the individual degrees of the order are revealed with exhaustive data. Other Bavarian and international orders and medals are also taken into account in cross-references, and further topics on the history of the Bavarian Army and military history as well as the collection history of the War Archives and Army Museum are also covered. $390.00 USD

Explores the crucial naval battles of the Punic Wars, revealing Rome's decisive maritime advantage. Analyzes archaeological discoveries and re-examines the ancient sources. Shows how the Romans' seafaring tradition and their skill, determination and resourcefulness eventually gave them a decisive advantage. In doing so, she overturns the myths and misunderstandings that have tend to distort our understanding of Roman naval warfare. Contains 30 mono illustrations. $25.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD

THE FIRST AND SECOND ITALIAN WARS, 1494-1504: Fearless Knights, Ruthless Princes and the Coming of Gunpowder Armies
Describes the course of military operations and political machinations in Italy from 1494 to 1504. The narrative begins with the French conquest of much of Italy, but then details how the French allied with the Pope's son Cesare Borgia, whose efforts ended in disaster. The French agreement with the Spanish allowed them to retake Naples only to be defeated at the Garigliano by the famous general, Gonzalo de Cordoba. Looks at how the French utilized a new method of artillery transport, the Spanish commander formulated a new system of military unit organization, and Cesare Borgia sought different systems of raising troops and forming states – all of which led to the emergence of the so-called Military Revolution. $30.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $25.50 USD

ALBA: General and Servant to the Crown
Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, Third Duke of Alba, is one of the most formidable and controversial figures of the 16th Century. He has been depicted as a great hero, an indefatigable defender of the Catholic faith, and a true buttress of the Spanish monarchy, but also as a terrifying man and the dark suppressor of the revolt in the Low Countries. During his long and fascinating life, Alba revealed wide-ranging skills and interests. A successful soldier, he was also a distinguished courtier and an influential diplomat serving his monarchs, Charles V and Philip II, without fail. Moreover, he was an avid art collector. Using a variety of sources, including previously unexamined data, 16 leading historians from eight countries present newly developed insights and offer a nuanced image of the Grand Duque. Adopting different perspectives, they shed new light on this intriguing and influential leader, thus showing that Alba continues to be deserving of study and discussion. $85.00 USD
OMM Discount 50%: Now $42.50 USD

SCIENCE OF ARMS: The Art of War in the Century of the Soldier 1672 – 1699 Volume 2 – The Cavalry, Artillery and Conduct of War
The second volume of Science of Arms explains the duties and disciplines of the cavalry, how the artillery and ordnance operated, and how the general conducted a military campaign and engaged the enemy. Seeks to fill in the gaps found in eyewitness accounts, clarifies the unconscious behavior of the officers, and brings to life the battle plans. Combines the great military treatise of the 17th Century with original illustrations to form a unique depiction of the art of war as learnt by all the officers and generals of the age. Contains 137 black-and-white illustrations. $60.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $51.00 USD

Oversized at 11.5 x 8.5 pages. A two-volume set with over 600 pages on the armies, battles, campaigns, events and personalities of the Great Northern War. The Great Northern War was a profound event in European history and has had far too little attention in the English-speaking world. This publication is intended to open up this history in a way previously not available in English. An international team of academics, authors and other experts have written articles on the armies, battles, campaigns, events and major personalities of the war. Over 70 articles are included, all fully illustrated in color. $125.00 USD
OMM Discount 20%: Now $100.00 USD

First book in a series that seeks to untangle the story of French infantry flags of the period of the Seven Years War and of the Revolution and early Napoleonic Wars. Author has studied all of the available texts to list the complicated story of the evolution of regiments and their flags. Illustrated throughout in color with 364 plates, over 1,000 illustrations, 376 contemporary flags, and 26 tables. $71.00 USD

MARLBOROUGH: Soldier and Diplomat
John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough, has long been regarded as one of Britain's greatest generals, as well as a key English political figure in the first decade of the 18th Century. Full-color illustrations throughout. The subject of numerous books in English, Marlborough has typically been seen only in terms of British political and military history. In this book, twelve leading specialists of the period broaden the perspective by assessing Marlborough in the wider and more diverse contexts of the European situation, the common soldier in the British army, the complementary activities of navies, the differing perspectives of the Austrians, Dutch, French and Germans, as well as in the context of the British popular press and the visual arts. $85.00 USD
OMM Discount 50%: Now $42.50 USD

Series offers numerous small memoirs or series of letters from soldiers in regiments connected to the Second Division in the Peninsular War. Contains nine accounts, including Captain Joseph Barrallier's (45th /71st) service in South America, Walcheren, and the Peninsula; Private Matthew Orr's (92nd) letters, mostly from home service; Lieutenant Charles Stewart's (28th) diary of 1793; and Captain James Crummer's (28th) letters spanning his service from 1807 to 1815. Contains several illustrations, five maps, and seven tables. $42.00 USD

A remastered facsimile of the original edition, with new preface and content. Only 50 copies of the original book were privately published in 1898 by Eden Paget, the grandson of Sir Edward Paget. Instead of three exceedingly long chapters, there are now 18, with the Bibliographic Notes written by Eden Paget distributed among them. Paget served on Wellington's staff, losing his right arm before Oporto in 1809. In 1812, on returning to duty, he was captured during the retreat from Burgos. Contains some portraits. $42.00 USD

Based on Captain John Orr's previously unseen campaign diary and personal documents, this is the biography of the man who would become Superintendent of the Scottish Naval & Military Academy (SNMA). Follows Orr during his 18 months in Portugal and Spain using his first-hand accounts of the Battle of Salamanca, the siege of Burgos, and fighting in the Pyrenees. Later he fought at Quatre Bras and was wounded at Waterloo. He was retired on full pension in 1821. Ten years later, he enrolled as a captain in the Edinburgh Militia and was asked to become the Superintendent of the Scottish Naval & Military Academy. Through John's letters, the history of the Academy is interwoven with a description of the Orr family. John died in 1879, aged 89 years old. He was the last surviving member of the Black Watch who had fought at Waterloo. Contains 30 mono illustrations, including paintings and photographs of John, his family, his uniform, and pages from his Peninsular War diary. $40.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD

NAPOLEON'S FINEST: Marshall Davout's 3rd Corps
This is the first English translation of the Journal of Operations, 1805-1807, and includes 30+ color maps, OOBs, primary source, and commentary. Napoleon's Grande Armee of 1805-1807 was one of history's greatest armies, and the 3rd Corps under the command of Marshal Louis Davout achieved feats of arms seldom if ever equaled in the annals of Napoleonic history. Davout's command reached its apogee of glory on 14 October 1806 at the celebrated Battle of Auerstadt. Outnumbered by more than two to one by the Prussians, Marshal Davout's superb 26,000-man corps defeated and put to flight the proud descendants of the army of Frederick the Great.
Marshal Davout's military papers, presented to the French Ministry for War in 1874 by his heirs, represent an invaluable primary source to the study of the first campaigns of Emperor Napoleon's new Grande Armee. These include the actual after-action reports filed by Davout's brigade, division and other commanders, and they detail the marches and combat these officers personally directed. They provide an amazing historical window on the campaigns in Germany and Poland. The original book, titled Operations du 3e Corps, was published by Davout's nephew in 1896. It has never been available in the English language – until now. Our new book, the first translation of the original into English by award-winning author and historian Scott Bowden, features additional analysis, color maps, color orders of battle, officer biographies, and other material designed to supplement the original work and place it in context. $165.00 USD
OMM Discount 40%: Now $99.00 USD

FROM THE REALM OF A DYING SUN: Volume 1 – IV. SS-Panzerkorps and the Battles for Warsaw, July-November 1944
Analyzes the IV SS-Panzerkorps, which were active on the Eastern Front. Activated in late July 1944, the corps spent the last ten months of the war in combat, figuring prominently in the battles of Warsaw, the attempted relief of Budapest, Operation Spring Awakening, the defense of Vienna, and the withdrawal into Austria, where it finally surrendered to U.S. forces in May 1945. Contains maps and 24 pages of black-and-white photos. $25.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD

WITH THE RED DEVILS AT ARNHEM: Personal Experiences with the 1st Polish Parachute Brigade 1944
This eyewitness account was last published shortly after the Battle of Arnhem. The 1st Polish Parachute Brigade played both an important and controversial role at Arnhem. The author, a Pole himself, was attached to the Brigade, saw action at Arnhem, and managed to escape capture and return to Allied lines. He penned his account within weeks of returning. He offers a vivid insight into the experiences of the Poles at Arnhem, written in an exciting and lively manner. This reprint has been expanded with additional notes providing further information and context. Contains 22 photos and two maps. $30.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $25.50 USD

Explores the Panzer Lehr Division, one of the most elite German armored formations in existence in early 1944, and how its baptism of fire was in the deadly Normandy bocage. Contains an extensive number of reports written by former officers of the division, principally its commander, Fritz Bayerlein. They cover all aspects of the division's history, with particular emphasis upon events in Normandy, the Ardennes, and Germany. A number of the reports include detailed orders of battle and other organizational data. All of the reports have annotations by the author and provide a detailed chronological history of the division's activities. Contains 41 black-and-white maps, 18 black-and-white photos, and three tables. $45.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $38.25 USD
Visit for information on all stocked items. If you have a further question about an item or you wish to order, email or phone 609-466-2329. Thank you for your continued support.