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Barony: The Levy is Here

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Kyle G writes:

My levy just arrived in the mail today! These are very nice figures. They can be used for a city militia or brigands. They are perfect for skirmish type games where you don't want every figure to look the same. I am going to have fun putting them together and like all the figures from this company they will be a pleasure to paint!

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2,507 hits since 13 Jun 2011

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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The Baron of Barony Miniatures LLC writes:

Barony Miniatures has just released the Levy, a set of 28mm poorly-armored medieval figures to fill out the ranks.

The Levy advances

This set contains ten figures for $15.00 USD.


It includes six different bodies with open hands, ten different weapons, five different heads, and three different shields. Each figure can be unique with the different combinations.

We will shortly release a herald and Sir Bohemund. Both are mounted and on foot, and will sell for $5.00 USD each. More mounted men-at-arms and Goblins follow shortly after that. And archers and slingers!

For more information