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EMP Games Launches a 28mm Boxer Rebellion Kickstarter

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johnskot writes:

Goal nearly reached and an update has been added including better pictures.

Bare metal pics soon.

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johnskot of EMP Games writes:

For those of you who don't know us, EMP Games is the production arm of Wargames Emporium. We currently have an eclectic mix of figures and over the last 12-18 months, we have released our WWI Australian Light Horse and Turkish army, which we are still adding to.

The next period we were excited about doing was the Boxer Rebellion, a period some of you may not know. We want to bring out a comprehensive range of figures, and we would like a good start with this.

Boxer Rebellion Kickstarter

Our aim is to get miniatures released for every Nation and faction involved in the conflict. We already have a good number of greens and master molds for some. In order to release them faster, we have turned to Kickstarter to help fund this.

We have include a link for you to take a look, we hope you join us in this project and spread the word!

Many Thanks From the Wargames Emporium Team!

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Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
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