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World's Smallest Wargame at Partizan

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Baccus6 writes:

The game in play is Napoleonic in 0.016mm scale. That is a 'true' 0.016mm as opposed to the increasingly common 'heroic' 0.016mm scale which I think is too overscale.

The armies are French and British based up for the Polemos Napoleonic rules (naturally enough) making great use of the massed bases offered by 0.016mm scale figures.

My next job is to persuade Timecast to do a range of scenics to support the figures.



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5,742 hits since 19 May 2007

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Partizanmeister SloppyJalopy of Newark Irregulars writes:

Partizan are proud to announce that the give-away figure for the forthcoming show on Sunday, 27th May, is The World's Smallest Wargame.

The World's Smallest Wargame

In a radical departure from our normal give-away, we have a special minature produced for us by Pete Berry at Baccus 6mm which we believe to be the world's smallest wargame. As part of his campaign to convince the world that quality figures can be produced in sizes other than 28mm, Pete has done for us this model of two stereotypical gamers poring over a table. We're not sure what scale the figures on the table are, but the two alongside are 6mm!

The World's Smallest Wargame

The pictures show a version painted by Dave Woodward of Ever Victorious Miniatures. I asked him to do a black shirt on the one with a pony tail, but he seems to have produced a fair representation of a Partizan T-shirt (from a couple of years ago, as we've not had black for a while!).

Now, if you're wondering what you can do with such a miniature, other than marvel at it, we're already planning on putting several together to make a small diorama representing a typical night at the Newark Irregulars...

Full details of the show are available on the website, as usual. We look forward to seeing you on the day!

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