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Eureka Miniatures Release 28mm Modern United States Marine Corps

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Andy Maloney writes:

A painting guide for how that MARPAT was achieved would be highly appreciated as well.

I second the request!! The paint job looks great.

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Aussiejed of Eureka Miniatures writes:

Keenly awaited, our new 28mm United States Marines have been sculpted by Kosta Heristanidis and are now available – equipped with all the latest weapons technology and kit. Perfect miniatures for rules systems like Force on Force!

28mm Modern U.S. Marines

Ideal for Afghanistan, Iraq and many other current or (as yet unknown) near-future deployments; our United States Marines are bang up-to-date. Kosta has designed the range to make up three different sets of four-figure fireteams: one team represented firing, another advancing, and the third in a patrolling posture. Each fireteam is equipped with an authentic cross-section of weaponry – including two Marines armed with a full-length M16A4, a SAW gunner carrying an M249 (the U.S. designation for the FN Minimi), and a Marine toting an M16 with an under-slung M203 grenade launcher.

Amongst the up-to-date features of these figures, such as the latest body armor, some of you might spot the Thor ECM jammer carried by one of the miniatures in the patrolling fireteam set. With improvised explosive devices being the preferred insurgent mode of attack in both Iraq and Afghanistan, vehicle-borne IED jammers have become more commonplace in combat zones, and now this technology is being extended to footsloggers in the form of portable electronic countermeasure (ECM) devices such as the Thor.

In addition to the choice of three fireteam sets, we also have a squad leader in suitably commanding pose, and a designated marksman armed with an M21 sniper rifle (a modernized version of the venerable M14 rifle), both of which can be ordered separately.

For those of you for whom one or two fireteams is simply just not enough firepower, we can also offer a full U.S. Marine Squad deal (all three fireteams, plus the officer and marksman figures) at a price that will not break your defense budget!

Here are the catalog details for the new miniatures in the current release –

NEW 28mm Modern United States Marine Corps
(from our Modern Wars range)
Sculpted by Kosta Heristanidis

100MOD64 US Marine Corps Fireteam, patrolling – four figure set - 2 x M16A4, 1 x M249 SAW gunner, 1 x M16 / M203 grenade launcher.
100MOD65 US Marine Corps Fireteam, advancing – four figure set - 2 x M16A4, 1 x M249 SAW gunner, 1 x M16 / M203 grenade launcher.
100MOD66 US Marine Corps Fireteam, firing – four figure set - 2 x M16A4, 1 x M249 SAW gunner, 1 x M16 / M203 grenade launcher.
100MOD67 US Marine Corps officer (1)
100MOD68 US Marine Corps marksman, with M21 sniper rifle (1)
100MOD69 US Marine Corps Squad deal – 14 figure combined set of 100MOD64-68*
*A discounted unit deal of all three Fireteams plus the officer and marksman figures (100MOD64 – 68), a total of 14 figures, for just $35.00 AUD, instead of the full price if purchases individually of $41.30 AUD
(Amounts quoted exclude shipping, and 'Goods and Services Tax' payable by Australian customers only)

Figures are sold individually unless a set is indicated. The number in parentheses denotes the number of available variants for that product code. Variants are supplied randomly, but Eureka Miniatures will always endeavor to supply a representative sample.

Customers in the U.S.A. or the U.K. can choose to order our figures from our representatives Eureka Miniatures U.S.A. or Fighting 15s respectively, as well as directly from us.

For more information