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Artizan Panzer Lehr & Goumiers - Now in Colour

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Chuckaroobob writes:

Don't be shocked if I return from Historicon with some of those Goumiers!

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Dylan of Artizan Designs writes:

We released our Panzer Lehr and Goumiers a couple of months back, but have now got some painted figures which show them off much better. (It hurts my eyes just looking at the Goumiers, let alone painting them!)

Goumiers and Panzer Lehr

We've got 4 packs of the elite Panzer Lehr available, and French Forces Goumiers.

So liven up your WWII forces with some Artizan packs!

As usual, all our miniatures are 28mm and supplied unpainted.

Worldwide postage is 10% (£2.00 GBP min), with all orders over £70.00 GBP post-free.