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15mm Sci-Fi Vehicles from GZG

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ZeroGee writes:

Well, today work has started on the first of the Grav vehicles! I hope to have them finished and in production in plenty of time for Salute.
I've read and considered the comments made, and while I'm sure they won't please everyone (that'd be a first for the industry!!), I hope you'll all agree that they are a little different from the run-of-the-mill "modern tank without tracks" look. ;-)

Watch out for announcements in the Hobby News section when they are getting near to being ready! First pics when they are more advanced, until then you'll just have to be patient….

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Jon Tuffley of Ground Zero Games (GZG) writes:

New 15mm SF vehicles!

V15-05A Artillery Launcher

We are pleased to announce that following many requests and comments, we have just released the start of an all-new range of 15mm SF vehicles to accompany our SG15 infantry!

V15-03A Guncrab

First releases are all tracked vehicles - an MBT, Light Tank, Light APC (with Command and Fire Support variants), "Guncrab" Quad Walker, and a SLAM artillery missile vehicle. Wheeled, Grav and Hover vehicles to follow soon!


All the items are metal, not resin, and are supplied as simple multi-part kits, many of which have optional weapons and other parts to customise your forces - for example, the Cougar MBT kit includes three different main-gun choices (HKP, MDC or DFFG) and three different turret-top fittings - a choice of two Radome/sensors or a point-defence tribarrel mounting!

There are colour pictures now up on our webstore at, and all the codes are available for you to order - make sure you check out the Platoon Box deals, which give you a full unit of vehicles at a discounted price with the extra bonus of some free stowage and accessories!

Because we knew everyone would ask, we've also released many of the weapon systems and accessories as separate packs for you to customise your models - either ours or those of other manufacturers.

Here are the individual models so far available:

(Full details of the Platoon Box deals and Accessory Packs are on the webstore - and watch out for more very soon!)

V15-01A - "Cougar" Main Battle Tank (tracked)
3 gun options. Price £6.50 GBP each
V15-02A - "Puma" Light Scout Tank (tracked)
2 gun options. Price £4.50 GBP each
V15-03A - "GunCrab" quad walker with gun turret
2 gun options. Price £5.00 GBP each
V15-03B - "GunCrab" quad walker with missile turret
Price £5.00 GBP each
V15-04A - "Chariot" Light APC (tracked)
Price £4.50 GBP each
V15-04B - "Chariot" Light APC with gun turret
2 gun options. Price £4.50 GBP each
V15-04C - "Chariot" Light APC with missile turret
Price £4.50 GBP each
V15-04D - "Chariot" Light APC Command version
3 sensor options. Price £4.50 GBP each
V15-05A - SLAM artillery launcher on Cougar MBT chassis
Price £6.50 GBP each
V15-04 variants (C, A, D)

There are full online ordering facilities on the webstore, and we offer fast and efficient (and surprisingly inexpensive, for most orders) shipping to the U.S.A., Canada or anywhere else in the world!


For one week only (until Wednesday, 29th March), if you order any of the new 15mm vehicles online and mention "TMP" in the "comments" field on the order details, we'll give you some extra 15mm freebies with your order!

Happy gaming!

For more information