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Tom Meier Limited-Run Nativity Set

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Chris V writes:

I bought a set to paint for my mom for next Christmas. The figures are gorgeous though normally I would never consider buying something like this, but for her… well… the things you do for the ones you love, eh? :-)

I just wish my painting were up to the task! I'll do my best but I'm afraid it will still look like it was done by someone in the "Third World" getting pennies an hour.

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Carin Meier of Thunderbolt Mountain writes:

So many people have expressed disappointment at the long delay for some of the lines Tom is working on, we have decided to make them available in small quantity for collectors and painters who just can't wait.

The only way to do this economically is with individual RTV molds. This is the same process by which the master sets are produced. The problem is, instead of a dozen castings being made at a time, you get one - if it works at all, so the labor cost of casting is many times as high as for production figures. The mold also only produces a small number of figures before it begins to show wear and must be replaced, so the mold cost is also much higher. The result is a much more expensive casting than Thunderbolt Mountain is usually able to offer, though still only about as much as some of those from other manufacturers.

Holy Family

We'll begin this new service with the Nativity Set, and hope to soon make the 1/48 French and Indian War figures and the 1/32 Napoleonic Caricatures available, though the 1/32 horses may present some unusual problems.


The three-figures set is offered here for $35 USD. We have about two dozen available - when these sell, there will be some delay before we remake the molds. There are some more detailed pictures of the original 'greens' on Tom's blog.


Tom expects to have the other figures for this Nativity done by the end of next year, along with a stable. The whole is to be done in the style of the Baroque, particularly German woodcuts of that period, and will include three angels, several shepherds and stable animals.


In 2008, we will make an Epiphany set with Magi and their retinues and including a second Holy Family with Jesus on Mary's lap and Joseph kneeling beside.

Holy Family scale