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Blue Moon: "Limbers & Caissons & Guns, Oh My!"

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unknown member writes:

The War Paint 15LBH113 US Infantry pack will be ready by Cold Wars.

Great news.

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1:700 Black Seas British Brigs

unknown member paints brigs for the British fleet.

2,748 hits since 31 Jan 2011

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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unknown member of Blue Moon Manufacturing writes:

15mm Blue Moon Manufacturing has just released the Limbers, Caissons and Light Guns on Galloper Carriage codes in the FIW, Great Northern War and Malburian Wars ranges. The Limbers, Caissons and Guns on Galloper Carriages come two per pack for $16.50 USD.


15LOM130  British Limbers with drivers
15LOM131 French Limbers with drivers
British Limbers with drivers
French Limbers with drivers

Great Northern War:


15GNR116  Limbers and Teams
15GNR117 Russian 3 horse Caisson
15GNR118 Russian 3 horse Limber
Russian Limbers and Teams
Russian 3 horse Caisson
Russian 3 horse Limber


15GNS116  Swedish 4 horse Caisson 15GNS117 Swedish 2 horse limber
Swedish 4 horse Caisson
Swedish model

Malburian War

15MBG101  Light Guns on Galloper Carriage
15MBN11 Limbers and Teams
Malburian model
Light Guns on Galloper Carriage

These codes are now available to be ordered on the website as well as the website. If you are an Old Glory Army member, the 40% discount applies to these figures.

Keep watching for more announcements from Blue Moon 15s in the next week or two, as there are great things coming on the horizon.

For more information