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Eureka Miniatures Release New 10mm Fantasy Figures

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javelin98 writes:

Thanks, Rob!

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Aussiejed of Eureka Miniatures writes:

Hot on the hooves of our recent 18mm Fantasy releases, Eureka now brings you 10mm Fantasy miniatures! 10mm figures offer the opportunity to collect armies on a truly epic scale, and still have room to deploy them on a typical-sized wargames table. Despite their small size, sculptor Alan Marsh has enriched these miniatures with a level of detail and animation that you would normally expect to see in much larger figures.

10mm Fantasy

The origins of our 10mm Fantasy range go back to a request received from one of the subscribers to Eureka's custom miniatures service (the 100 and 300 Clubs). The first releases he successfully commissioned were Beastmen and Satyrs, which have been available for some time now - but since then, we have been steadily adding further items to the range, and we now thought it was about time everyone got to enjoy these little marvels. So the Beastmen and Satyrs are now joined by Elves, Halflings, Chaos Dwarves, and all sorts of other goodies. We are especially fond of the giant Elephants and Mammupachs! (And in case anyone was wondering – Dwargons are sort of Centaurs.)

All these miniatures are specifically designed to be compatible with many of the other 10mm fantasy ranges that are currently available, and despite their tiny size, we think these represent some of Alan Marsh's best work.

10mm Fantasy

Here are the catalogue details for the new figures:

10mm Fantasy

Figures sold in multi-variant packs unless otherwise stated

400FAN06 Dwargons – 15 assorted figures
400FAN07 Elf Archers – 30 assorted figures with command
400FAN08 Elf Warriors – 30 assorted figures with command
400FAN09 Halfling Militia – 30 assorted figures with command
400FAN10 Elephant, with howdah – 1 model*
400FAN11 Mammupach, with howdah – 1 model*
400FAN12 Eagles – 6 assorted figures
400FAN13 Gorgon Riders – 3 winged figures and riders
400FAN14 Chaos Dwarves – 30 assorted figures with command
400FAN15 Ogre Beasts and Beast Lord Command – 24 assorted figures
400FAN16 Minotaurs – 12 assorted figures
400FAN17 Hellmaw Cannon – 1 cannon, with 6 crew

*add your own crew

These miniatures can also be ordered in the U.K. from Fighting 15s, and in the U.S.A. from Eureka Miniatures U.S.A.

For more information