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Brigade Models Launches Cronus Mech

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Steve O of Brigade Models writes:

Well, it's finally here - the first Brigade Models mech is released today.

FM-148 Cronus

MECH-101, the FM-148 Cronus, is now available by mail order or from the website (and we'll of course have plenty at Bifrost). Cost is £9.50 GBP - this is a Very Big Model.

FM-148 Cronus - rear view

Also available is a pack of two extra guns for £0.50 GBP - we gather some customers want to have the option of four guns rather than two.

In case anyone is wondering, Cronus was the Greek King of the Titans - this fits in neatly with our current British vehicle-naming scheme and is very appropriate for the model.

We plan to release more mechs over time - but not quite so big! :-)

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