New Reaper stock has arrived and is now in the shop ready for sale in the U.K. and Europe.
Photo blocked by adult filter:
"50084 Reaper Brigitte - Naughty French Maid"
The shop has been improved and updated with the ability for customers to pre-order items not currently in stock, and a new featured item display on the front page.
We also stock:
Mirliton Fantasy
Denizen Sci-fi
Magpie Limited editions
and Games Workshop
![Pre-slotta Citadel Balrog Pre-slotta Citadel Balrog](news/pics/2010/feb/739661a.jpg)
We also have over 700 classic OOP miniatures in our pre-owned section, ranging from early pre-slotta Citadel through Ral Partha, Grenadier and Heartbreaker.
Slottabases, display bases and even a forum.