When the guys at Wargames Soldiers & Strategy magazine saw our newest set - Numidians: Ancient Light Infantry (28 multi-part hard-plastic 28mm miniatures - $19.95 USD) - they were blown away by the number of other "stuff" that you could use these for!

Just to give you an idea - here's a short list of what we've seen so far:
- Republican Roman Penal Legion
- Spartacus Slave Revolt Slaves (with stolen weaponry)
- Late Republican Roman Conscripts
- Greek Mercenary Peltasts
- Carthaginian Citizen Infantry
- Libyan Veteran Spearmen
- Greek Slingers
- Unarmored Hoplites
- Macedonian or Cretan Archers
- Jewish Revolt Warriors
- Balearic Slingers
- Hammerhead Shark Head Warriors
- And the list goes on...
One of the great features of the new hard-plastic sets is the conversion aspect - I just had a great discussion at Historicon about the old days of turning Airfix Ancient Britons into everything from Napoleonics to WWII troops! Perhaps this is the new era of conversion!

So to see what kind of creativity was out there, WSS and WF are launching a joint contest in the latest issue to Customize Your Numidians!
Get the full details at our site or in the pages of WSS this month. Loads of great prizes and lots of fun to be had!