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6,586 hits since 10 May 2012

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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onmilitarymatters Sponsoring Member of TMP of On Military Matters writes:

First off, those waiting for Miniature Wargames 350 will be pleased to know the shipment just arrived at the shoppe. Usual excellent job, more so because it contains a 'Lite' version of the new Combat Action Command WWII rules, with data cards and scenario to refight Frost's stand in Arnhem.

As for new items, most are due in two to three weeks, except for the Napoleonic uniform plates, which are in stock now, and the wargames, which are due in four to six weeks.



Peter Bunde Napoleonic Uniform Plates Each includes 20+ color figures, flags, or standards, facings, etc. $15.00 USD each

257 KINGDOM OF SPAIN: Infantry Regiment Napoles 1802-1808
258 KINGDOM OF DENMARK: Foot Artillery 1806-15
259 KINGDOM OF DENMARK: Mounted Artillery 1806-15
260 KINGDOM OF HOLLAND: 7th Infantry Regiment 1806-1810
261 KINGDOM OF WURTTEMBURG: 5th Line Infantry Regiment Prinz Friedrich 1808-1812

(Note that we also carry previous plates).


French Voltigeurs 1804-1812

Victrix 54mm French Voltigeurs 1804-1812 16 hard-plastic 54mm figures including officers, standard bearers, NCOs, and drummers. Separate backpacks, sword scabbards, muskets and pistols. Separate heads and dozens of arms allowing endless pose combinations. $38.00 USD

Victrix 54mm French Voltigeurs 1805-1812 16 hard-plastic 54mm figures including officers, standard bearers, NCOs, and drummers. Separate back packs, sword scabbards, muskets and pistols. Separate heads and dozens of arms allowing endless pose combinations. $38.00 USD



SETTING THE EAST ABLAZE – Warfare in the Back of Beyond 1917-1926 Period from the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 to the re-establishment of (very) 'central' government in Russia by about 1926 is one that is little understood outside specialist circles, and even today remains victim to an overly neat and tidy 'hindsight' view of history. The reality was very different, and offers wargamers a hugely attractive and diverse backdrop in which to game. Armies from all the world's major powers intervened at one time or another in Russia and the neighboring states of Central Asia. Some of them, such as the French intervention in the Ukraine in 1919, were on a major scale. Others were much more along the lines of 'small wars' expeditionary forces of the previous century. The predominant style of warfare was open and mobile. You therefore get to play with all the toys of the first quarter of the 20th Century, with none of the tedium of trench warfare. $29.00 USD

OPERATION SQUAD MODERN RULES These simple and intuitive rules will help you simulate the combats that engulf modern-day hot-spots like the Middle East. Inside, you'll find army lists for Americans, British and Italians; there are American Marines and Italian Bersaglieri, Republican Guard and Afghan rebels, for a total of eight possible armies! Each weapon and army has been given a points value to allow balanced scenarios that are also historically accurate. The use of tables is minimal, and the whole system is based around a handful of six-sided dice. The rules also contain three scenarios covering typical missions: Recon, Finding documents, and Freeing a hostage. $36.00 USD



D-DAY IN THE PACIFIC – The Battle of Saipan In June 1944, the attention of the nation was riveted on events unfolding in France. But in the Pacific, the Battle of Saipan was of extreme strategic importance. This is a gripping account of one of the most dramatic engagements of World War II. The conquest of Saipan and the neighboring island of Tinian was a turning point in the war in the Pacific as it made the American victory against Japan inevitable. $30.00 USD

GLIDER INFANTRYMEN: Behind Enemy Lines in World War II Glider Infantryman is his eyewitness account of how he, along with thousands of other young men from farms, small towns, and cities across the United States, came together to answer the call of their nation. It is also a heartfelt tribute to the many thousands who gave their lives in this struggle. It covers a span of nearly three years; his return home, five months after the war's end, as a toughened bazooka gunner and veteran of five campaigns. Rich's first-person narrative includes vivid coverage of the action, featuring an especially rare account of arriving on a combat landing zone by glider. Detailed, day-to-day depiction of some of the heaviest fighting in Holland follows, including the action at Opheusden, the center of the infamous 'Island.' $35.00 USD

CRIMSON SPEARHEAD – First Special Service Covers the history, uniforms and insignia of the joint U.S.-Canada First Special Service Force. 296 black-and-white images. $60.00 USD



NEXT WAR: Korea In this updated and improved version of the previously-released Crisis: Korea 1995, players have access to virtually all military assets of North and South Korea, as well as large forces from the U.S.A. and the P.R.C. The integrated, easy to learn air-land combat system allows for unit efficiency, armor effects, light infantry, attack helicopters, Close Air Support, Cruise Missiles, and the particularly tough terrain of Korea. $85.00 USD

TMP SPECIAL: Save 15%. New price: $72.25 USD

RED WINTER – The Soviet Attack at Tolajarvi, Finland 1939 First in a proposed series of games covering battles of the 1939 Russo-Finnish Winter War and World War II at a rarely gamed scale: company-sized combat units and 90-minute game turns. Players assume the roles of the Soviet and Finnish commanders during the unusual Battle for Tolvajarvi, Finland, controlling the actions of Finnish ski infantry, Soviet tanks and heavy machinegun companies, mortars, anti-tank guns, and other combat units. The game map is populated by forest, suo (wetlands), small Finnish settlements, and a network of crude roads and trails. However, the dominant feature of the map is a system of sprawling, frozen lakes. Combat units can very often gain favorable positions by crossing these lakes, but they do so at considerable risk. Units caught out on the ice make very inviting targets! $50.00 USD

TMP SPECIAL: Save 15%. New price: $42.75 USD


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