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TimeCast Stocking Old Glory 15s in the UK

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The GM writes:

Good to know.

I'm with you on the "unfortunately closed" part, Allen. We were just starting to use them heavily at Wargames @ for UK sourcing, and they went away… Good to hear OG15s will be available over the pond.

I wish all vendor/reseller replacements were so rapid.


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TimeCast Sponsoring Member of TMP of TimeCast writes:

We are pleased to announce that we will be taking delivery of our initial stock order of Old Glory 15s shortly.

Old Glory 15s arriving at TimeCast

Arriving will be the following Napoleonic ranges:

French Imperial Guard Infantry & Cavalry
French 1809 Campaign Dress Infantry
French Cavalry
Peninsular British Infantry with Stovepipe Shako
Peninsular British Cavalry
Portuguese Infantry & Cavalry
Austrian Infantry & Cavalry
Russian Infantry & Cavalry
Prussian Infantry & Cavalry

Prices will be:

Standard bag (50 foot, or 16 mounted, or 6 guns and 24 crew)
£11.00 GBP
Small Bag (25 foot)
£6.00 GBP
Generals Bag
£20.00 GBP

More ranges from this and other periods will be added shortly. For a full list of the codes due in, please email us at or phone us on 01743 46 56 76 or drop in and see us at the workshop:

GDS Building
Lancaster Road
Old Glory 15s arriving at TimeCast

We will also be attending the following shows:

Partizan II
September 7th
Old Glory Worlds, Derby
4th & 5th October
Warfare, Reading
November 22nd & 23rd November

A new page for these marvelous miniatures will be added to our website as soon as possible.