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BEF Miniatures: 28mm Figures for 1940

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dualer writes:

They look excellent sculpts. I suppose the snipers could always design their own range for the rest of us to pass judgement on. I despair! Give some people happiness on a plate and they'd find something wrong with the plate.

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BEF Miniatures of B.E.F. Miniatures writes:

28mm British Expeditionary force figures - half-section and German Heer MG34 team, plus NCO figures - have been released.

German Heer MG34 team

Also in the range is a 2-pdr anti-tank gun at £12.00 GBP and the 1/56th scale pewter Pz35(t) at £18.00 GBP.

BEF half-section

Figure sculpting is by Mike Owen from Artizan, and packs are £6.50 GBP each.

Further releases are on their way!

For more information