This is Sheldon Greaves, the author/perpetraitor/instigator of the soon-to-be-published Campaign System for Silent Death.

Bruce has asked me to send out an invitation to anyone who wants to take part in testing this system before it goes to press. Playtesting is vital to good products, so we need your help.
I have drawn up a very simple campaign that needs three people: a GM and two players. The campaign can be played out in a couple of hours. Ideally, the group testing it will play it several times over an afternoon or weekend, with different people acting as the GM and opposing players.
For a copy of the Alpha version of the Campaign Rules, contact Bruce or myself at Even if you don't playtest, I would welcome comments from readers. Contact Bruce if you are interested in becoming a playtester.
Playtesters will be compensated in the form of immortality by being acknowledged in the published version of the Campaign Rules.