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Dark Realm 6mm Sci Fi Wave 2

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TuffSkull writes:

There is a rules set inthe making. unfortunately progress has been somewhat delayed by the re-location of Doug (the man behind it all) back to the UK, having been living abroad, which is obviously draining his time. However, progress should start with a fresh surge soon & we'll keep people up to date as we can!

Paul "TuffSkull" T.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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TuffSkull of Dark Realm Miniatures writes:

Dark Realm Miniatures' line of high quality 6mm sci-fi miniatures expanded considerably last month.

Andrayada Vertex Dropship Box Cover

The New Release includes miniatures for all three of the released races, including:

  • Human Cargo Helicopter

Kraytonains (Reptillian aliens):

  • Rakkat Riders (Big Lizards on Bigger Lizards!)
  • "Ketzali" Pack
  • Commanders pack
  • Character ("Karrok II") pack

Andrayada (Androids):

  • Vertex Dropship
  • Hubries (skimmer drones)
  • Vanguard (Heavy weapons troops)
  • Vulturs (Jump pack troops)

All DRM models are available through Heritage Studios for the U.S.A., direct from Dark Realm Miniatures for mail-order to the rest of the world, and Wargames Warehouse at shows in the U.K.

Andrayada Malignant Mega Walker Box Cover

As well as the new miniatures, we had a few occurances where larger models in the range have broken their seals under the sheer weight of metal in models such as the Majestic! This was temporarily addressed with stonger glue, but we are pleased to say that once current stocks have been sold, all new dropships and mega-walkers will be sent out in sexy new Box sets rather than the blisters.

All the Wave 2 models can be seen on the Mercenary Brush galleries here, and detail shots of the whole DRM range-to-date can be viewed by picking a race gallery from the options on the right.

As usual, the guys behind Dark Realm Miniatures would love to hear any feedback you have on their miniatures over on the DRM Forums.

Thanks for looking!

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