All the King's Men is pleased to announce several new releases for the summer of 2012. They all belong to our American Revolution line, and are 54mm metal.
The first is Highlander infantry. Most of the figures come as two-piece castings, body and head in bonnet. (The officer is one piece.) A set includes twelve soldiers plus officer plus bagpiper for $40 USD. Figures are also available individually for $5 USD each, and head sets (nine per set) are available for $3 USD.
You can check them all out on our AWI page here.
These figures arrive just in time for Historicon. You can order them now from our website, or pick some up at the show. ATKM will be there!
The figures come unpainted, but we do offer a painting service. Contact us for details.
Curious about wargaming in 54mm? Full-size battles can be played in the same table space you'd use for 28s. Check out our rules available as a free PDF here.