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Warhammer Giant Revisited

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kharn the betrayer writes:

Griefbringer you can get about 65-70 men for the cost in game points for the giant. In warhammer terms the giant gets no rank bonus and the men do. Again I was using artistic liciense to prove a point, I admit it didn't work too well.

If the giant killed 10 men in one turn the unit would still get all the rank bonuses and there is atill a chance of them winning and breaking the giant in hand to hand chasing it down and killing it.

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Ewen Little of Forge World writes:

New Warhammer Giant

Giant (close-up)

Over the past few weeks, Mark Bedford re-visited our Warhammer Giant. The idea was to make the Giant a bit more brutal and beast-like - so, with a small, thick browed head and funny numbers of fingers and toes, yes, Mark has made the Giant a shambling, drooling monster, but a very dangerous one.

Wielding the complete arm and counterweight from a trebuchet as a club, this new Giant still measures in at a healthy 215mm/8.5inches tall, more than enough height to dominate the battlefield and take pride of place among your army.


With the Giant now fitting on a special 50mm x 100mm 'chariot' base, the model is easier to use in games of Warhammer.

If we are very lucky, we hope to have some pre-release Giants for sale at Games Day U.K. next weekend. But, of course, he is available to pre-order right now on the Forge World online store for release from Monday, October 24th.

Product Code:
£85.00 GBP

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