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Flags of the Mexican-American War Now Available

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Trevellion1965 writes:

Hello Painterman, Got a bit stuck on Joan's banner, but I have a brand new tool arriving tomorrow that will allow me to do her the justice she deserves. It will take me about a week to finish off the Jeanne d'Arc special sheet. Keep checking in on the blog as it will be on there very soon.

Cheers and thanks for the positive feedback, Richard.

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Trevellion1965 of Battle Flag writes:

This post must start with a huge 'thank you' to Jonathan M. for recommending Battle Flag to GJM to create a range of flags to compliment GJM's superb new Gringo 40s miniatures.

Having just got of the telephone with Ged at GJM, I'm pleased to announce that a new range of Mexican-American War flags from Battle Flag will be released in 40mm to compliment GJM's excellent new range of 40mm Mex-Am War miniatures.

28mm Mexican-American War Regular U.S. Infantry

Battle Flag will support the range with a full range of beautiful regimental and national colors for the U.S. and Mexican forces.

The first release will cover the U.S regular infantry and volunteer regiments, with the Mexican forces to follow shortly.

Using the same superlative artwork, Battle Flag have also released the range in both 15mm and 28mm. (The Battle Flag range are also now the official range of Mexican-American flags for First Corps' excellent range of 28mm wargame figures.)

Available now on our now-familiar style of collectors sheets, the U.S. Regular Infantry plate is given added impact with a contemporary picture of General Winfield Scott and a facsimile of his signature.

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