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Massive Additions to Flashpoint Miniatures Range

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CaesarCovi writes:


Nice try, depends on how many you order… Say about $750K worth? LOL

And, yes, I am evil -- in a cool dark-side kind of way :)

John Coviello
Owner/Public Relations Manager

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The Groaning Konk of Flashpoint Miniatures writes:

Flashpoint Miniatures Evolves…

It is with great pride that I introduce you to the launch of the all-new Flashpoint Miniatures web resource. The new Flashpoint Miniatures website is now up and running, designed to be easier to read and boasting a more user-friendly outlay. It includes our latest Flashpoint Reloaded Vietnam "US Army" blister June releases for the upcoming Flashpoint Reloaded rule system, scheduled for release later this year.

New Vietnam-era US Army range
FRV001  U.S. Army Rifle Company HQ
FRV002 U.S. Army Rifle Platoon
FRV003 U.S. Army Weapons Squad
FRV004 U.S. Army Mortar Section
FRV005 U.S. Army Anti-tank Section (Recoilless Rifles)
FRV006 U.S. Army Anti-tank Section (L.A.Ws)

Our long-anticipated 15mm releases for the 1990s conflict in Somalia have also been released under our new Flashpoint Reloaded Mogadishu banner, displaying the now-available figures included in this range. This release includes new 15mm blisters for…

New modern-era US Ranger range
FRM001  U.S. Rangers 
FRM002 U.S. Delta Force
FRM003 Somalia Clan Militia

For a little something extra, we have also released the first of an anticipated 15mm scale fantasy range. Beginning with Ye Pirates Guild, we start to unveil the all-new Netherworlds Edge range, an evolving work in progress that will receive updates on a regular basis.

For the more diligent users, there is also a major hint to a future release on a more futuristic scale… Battle Planet Engage scheduled for emerging release towards the end of 2007, early 2008.

NWE001  Ye Pirates Guild

We hope that you enjoy the new website, courtesy of the design skills and tech savvy of Ken Cole, our one-and-only resident webmaster. For more detailed information on our blister compositions or on where to obtain the products, please drop by and take a look-through what we have to offer…

Kind regards!

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