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Renegade Militia: Enforcers & Psykers [40K]

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Charles Marlow writes:

Nice figs; I especially like the psykers.

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Alan Bligh of Forge World writes:

Renegade Militia Enforcers - Conversion Set


The first of our new models to augment the forces of the Vraksian Renegade Militia are the Renegade Militia Enforcers Conversion Set. The Vraksian Enforcers are the fanatical followers of the heretic Cardinal Xaphan - it is they who enact his will and enforce brutal discipline in the ranks of the Renegade Militia, spurring on the troopers to greater heights of violence and killing those whose cowardice turns them from the Cardinal's path.

This set comprises of enough parts (heads and plated torsos, arms, armour plates and weapons) to create five Renegade Militia Enforcers in conjunction with the plastic Cadian Shock Troopers boxed set (although as with our other Renegade Militia conversion sets, you can use other plastics with a little effort, too). These models by Mark Bedford are great additions to the range, and I predict that their hellish skull-masks are going to be gracing quite a few battlefields shortly, and they aptly show the dark path down which the Renegades of Vraks are being lead. As well as Vraksian Enforcers, you could also use these conversion kits to create marvellously sinister unit leaders, arch-heretics and demagogues for your Traitor Guard, Lost and Damned armies, cultists and more.

The Renegade Militia Enforcer conversion sets are available to pre-order now for release the week commencing the 2nd of July. Price: £12.00 GBP

Renegade Militia Rogue Psykers

Rogue Psykers

Along with the new Enforcers, we also have our new Rogue Psyker models also by our own master of all-things renegade - Mark Bedford. This pack of two complete resin models presenting two very different illustrations of the Rogue Psykers unleashed on Vraks; one exulting in his dark arts, and the others screaming in agony as the powers of the warp flood through him. As well as powerful (if unpredictable) additions to a Renegade Militia force, these hugely characterful models I'm sure will appeal to both collectors and gamers alike, making for great retinue members for Inquisitorial warbands (particularly of a radical bent), Daemonhunter and Witchhunter foes, demagogues and sorcerers.

The Rogue Psykers are available to pre-order now for release the week commencing the 2nd of July. Price: £9.00 GBP

You can find full rules for the Renegade Militia Enforcers and Rogue Psykers in Imperial Armour Volume 5: The Siege of Vraks.