Welcome back!
This week we kick off the Battlefront Staff Firestorm — Bagration campaign. There was a lot of action in the first turn when the Germans took to the counteroffensive and captured several key territories straight off the bat!
James wrote a great modelling article talking about how to paint the stowage bits found in the new vehicle platoon boxes and elsewhere. So now you can get the tips you need to make each of your tanks unique!
We also take a moment to talk about Warriors in Flames of War; how they are created and how they are intended to be played in the game. Finally, Heath Alexander has given us a great article continuing the story of the Battle of Narva, following the desperate fight for the city.
Warriors in Flames of War
There are many iconic, some mythical, people in the vast story of World War II...
Spring Thaw at Narva
Heath Alexander continues the story of Army Group North around Narva. We pick up where we left off in Van Norton's article and follow the vicious fight over the city.
Painting Stowage
James spends some time talking about how to paint the unique stowage on your tanks.
Introduction to Firestorm
We'd like to introduce you to the Firestorm — Bagration campaign! It will give you the tools to recreate the 1944 Soviet offensive in Byelorussia using your Flames of War forces on the tabletop.
The Firestorm Staff Campaign
The stage is set and the Generals speak about their plans for the upcoming four weeks.
Firestorm Turn 1 Overview
The first week of the Battlefront staff campaign started off with a massive German counterattack...
December's New Releases
In Shops 6 December
SBX10 152mm Artillery Batallion
SU737 Flame-Thrower Platoon
SU132 ISU 122/152
TD017 Guards Gaming Set
TD018 78th Sturm Gaming Set
In Shops 13 December
FBX01 Firestorm - Bagration Campaign
SBX09 Partizans & Polizei
SU732 Strelkovy Company
SU734 Machine-Gun Company
GE257 SdKfz 251/16D (Flame)
Check out our website - FlamesOfWar.com - for our other scenarios, history, painting tips and much more.