We've Updated The Flames of War Website

This week kicks off with part one of Scott Elaurant's series of articles examining the relationship between Finland and Germany during World War Two. Wayne then takes look at Airborne Operations during the war and in conjunction with this, we provide some resources on how to model and represent gliders in Flames of War.

Tom Robertson provides a gaming alterative with his Tanker Challenge, and the 653. Schwere Panzerjägerabteilung (Elefants) briefing goes official. Finally, we have some more tournament news to check out, and the Wargames Illustrated website features some new content, including the Battle of Ia Drang.
Be sure to check out the latest releases available now in the online store:
BB510 Small Pine Wood
BB511 Large Pine Wood
BBX20 Airlanding Light Battery
BR808 Glider Pilot Platoon
GE180 Flammwagen B-2(f) (Char-B)
BSO150 Para Snipers (3 teams)
BSO152 Para Eureka Team