I am pleased to announce - on behalf of Dark Realm Miniatures - that the first wave of releases are now in stock and available to order for their new 6mm sci-fi ranges.

Three models didn't make it into full production in time for the release, which will be added to the release schedule for May/June.

However, their lack of presence does not mean this is a small initial release for a new company - it still boasts a huge horde of good stuff, and more will follow throughout the year!
Pax Arcadia (Human) Releases:
Light Infantry £4.00 GBP
AT infantry £4.00 GBP
Special Forces Infantry £4.00 GBP
Standard Infantry £4.00 GBP
Industrial Infantry £4.00 GBP
Scout Infantry £2.00 GBP
Light Transports £5.00 GBP
Jackhammer Light Tanks £5.00 GBP
Intruder SP Mortar £5.00 GBP
Chasseur Heavy Tank £5.00 GBP
Buggies Variant 1 £5.00 GBP
Buggies Variant 2 £5.00 GBP
Light Skimmers £5.00 GBP
Medium Skimmers £5.00 GBP
Gunship Helicopters £5.00 GBP
Orbital Dropship £12.00 GBP
Andrayada (Androids) Releases:
Infantry set 1 £4.00 GBP
Infantry set 2 £4.00 GBP
Scouts £2.00 GBP
Velite Heavy Walkers £5.00 GBP
Verger Heavy Walkers £5.00 GBP
Vorace Medium Walkers £5.00 GBP
Varan Walker £5.00 GBP
Majestic "Mega" Walker £17.50 GBP
Kraytonian (Reptilian) Releases:
Scouts £2.00 GBP
Light Infantry £4.00 GBP
Medium Infantry £4.00 GBP
Heavy infantry £4.00 GBP
Arkalest Heavy Tanks £5.00 GBP
Gerresh AA Tanks £5.00 GBP
Arka Medium Tanks £5.00 GBP
Aurika Light Tanks £5.00 GBP
Recon Skimmers £5.00 GBP
Attack Skimmers £5.00 GBP
Gara Field Transporters £5.00 GBP
Arkator Bombers £5.00 GBP
Arkiten Fighters £5.00 GBP
These will be available in the couple of weeks!

Orders for the U.S.A. can be placed at Heritage Studios.
Orders for the U.K. and the rest of the world can be placed via email from the Dark Realm Miniatures website: darkrealmminiatures.com.
Up-to-date pictures with all the latest painted figures from the DRM line can be seen in the Mercenary Brush galleries here.
(Pictures of all the items currently missing them will be up ASAP.)
I hope you enjoy these great new figures, and speaking personally, I look forward to seeing how others paint them up themselves!