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Little Green Men with Death Rays Arrive

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unitrecon writes:

For pulp gaming in excelsis, I can see these painted in original Star Trek uniform. "To boldy conquer where no Evil Empire has ever conquered bodly before".

I'm at my whit's end as to which to order next!

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2,714 hits since 13 Oct 2010

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

khurasanminiatures of Khurasan Miniatures writes:

We are pleased to release our 15mm scale Martian imperialists.


They measure about 13mm to the top of their bulbous heads. These are not "greys," extraterrestrial nudists furtively skulking about at night abducting people - these are greens, uniformed and bent on rapid conquest and flamboyant destruction.

Martian warriors

First up we have the Martian warrior caste, come to ruin Mankind's day with their Dehumanizer rays.


Next up is the imperious overlord himself, wielding his Enslavo sceptre.

Finally there is that most awful weapon, the Martian flying saucer with dual Destructor beams! Is no earthly edifice safe from these engines of devestation from the skies?

Serving as melée shock troops and mindless slaves of the Martians are the Plutoluna Mutants, hulking constructs with huge crab claws (these are already available).

Available now - watch the skies!

(Martians sculpted by whiffwaff; saucer by Mark Mondragon; and all were painted by Chris Yaro.)

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