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Minifigs UK Bring Back Classic Fantasy Range

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unknown member writes:

Pong Nyaarl Ta 26 Oct 2010 9:58 p.m. PST
IIRC the VFW line is based on a GW game… the name referring to the publishing house 'At The Four Winds' that Bruegal and others used

VFW was a Minifigs line, and at the time of release was the cutting edge of fantasy figures. There was a background story written for it which was published in White Dwarf (this was at the time when WD was a general gaming magazine not a GW house magazine/catalog). Breugal was the inspiration for the wizard's beasts and the torure items.

GW later released 4 boardgames – their first 4 proper games (if you don't count the wooden breadboards converted to solitaire boards). Warlock (a card game of spell trading), Apocalype (nuclear war), the one I can never remember (!) and Valley of the Four winds.

But the game was definetly after the figure range by some time, and the figure range was not developed for GW. It just made a popular topic for a game because the figure line was so incredibly popular. Except for the forest orcs :-)

Swamplords – yes please. The pixies – yes please (loved the 2 pixie artillery piece). And the Good people (wasn't the dragon cannon a brilliant idea ?)

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Dave Ryan of Caliver Books writes:

After 13 months of hard graft, the casting team have our dispatch time down to the 12-16 day mark. We shall get it down to about 7-10, but we have so many old molds to replace, photos to take, etc., that it will be a while yet before we are casting on the day of order, even for priority customers.

However, as a break from slaving over hot casting machines, I have let the team loose on the Minifigs Old Master Collection.

Pig-Ork chieftain with flail

The Pig-Orks are the first to be done. Over the next couple of years we intend to do many many mores, including scales and ranges, stuff we doubt has ever seen the light of day - so keep checking the site - but please restrain your selves from emailing us as to exact ranges and dates - every email we respond to means a pack of figures not cast!

Pig-Ork with Bow

That said, if someone wants to start a thread tending for votes, then I'm sure we can be influenced by popular opinion!

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