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Ice Caverns, Sci-Fi Accessories & Free Gifts

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Stewbags writes:

That is some VERY fine work.

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Building the Langton Anglo-Dutch British 1st Rate

Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian is a big fan of the Age of Sail, and these ships really speak to him - he loves transitional eras, and the Anglo-Dutch Wars was one of those.

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War at Sea First Game

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian tries the naval wargame in the Axis & Allies series.

4,484 hits since 2 Aug 2010

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Naloomi of Naloomi's Workshop writes:

We are proud to offer several new pieces in our cavern range of modular dungeons.

Ice Caverns Set AB1

These new pieces are cast in a clear resin which gives the pieces a beautiful ice-like look to them. The individual pieces currently range anywhere from $1.50 USD to $5.00 USD. Both sets (three pieces per set) for this first release can be purchased for a total of $12.75 USD.

The pieces are originally designed for 25/28mm games, but can also work well as large ice pieces for 15mm games.

Machine Accessory sets

Our second set of releases for August are the Machinery Accessory kits. You can buy all the kits as separate entities, or the entire set for $35 USD cast in Hydrostone gypsum cement.

Again, these pieces are originally designed for 25/28mm, but can also work well with 15mm. If desired, I can post images of some of them with 15mm miniatures I have from Rebel Minis.

In addition, for the next two weeks, any purchases of $100 USD or more will get a free copy of both Ice Cavern sets, and any purchases of $200 USD or more will get a free copy of the entire new Sci-Fi/Modern machinery accessories or three sets of both of the Ice Cavern sets.

For more information