Twenty years ago, Old Glory heard the cry of wargamers everywhere for figure lines that were full of variants, complete, and affordable.
Once again, Old Glory has heard your cry from beneath your mounds of unpainted lead and soon-to-be plastics: "So much lead, so little time to paint!" And we have responded.
Old Glory is now launching a new program designed with "YOU" the wargamer in mind.
We are pleased to announce:
This is a program that has been in the works for over a year, and now that all the logistics have been ironed out, we are starting with this initial offering:
There are 20 figures per box unless otherwise stated:
Available NOW!
POC-01a Married Zulus - white shields
POC-01b Married Zulus - brown shields
POC-01c Married Zulus - black shields
POC-02a Unmarried Zulus - white shields
POC-02b Unmarried Zulus - brown shields
POC-02c Unmarried Zulus - black shields
POA-01 Caesarean Romans
POA-02 Caesarean Romans Officer
(sold as single figure)
POA-03 Caesarean Romans Trumpeter
(sold as single figure)
POA-04 Caesarean Romans Standard Bearer
(sold as single figure)
POA-05 1st Century Romans in Segmentata Armor
POA-06 1st Century Romans in Segmentata Armor Officers
(single figure)
POA-07 1st Century Romans in Segmentata Armor Trumpeter
(single figure)
POA-08 1st Century Romans in Segmentata Armor
Standard Bearers (single figure)
In the coming months, our ranges of painted figures will grow very fast. At first, we are concentrating on the main line troops of major periods, and then will be expanding to include so much more. Our next release, due mid-November will be:
- Zulu Wars British
- 1st Century Roman Auxiliaries
- Ancient Germans
- Ancient Celts
- Napoleonic French 1815
- Napoleonic French 1812
- Napoleonic French 1809
- Napoleonic British - Waterloo
- Napoleonic British - Peninsular
- Napoleonic Austrians
- Napoleonic Russians
- Napoleonic Prussians
- AWI Continental Line Troops
- AWI British Line Troops
Due Early Next Year:
- Seven Years War
- Dark Ages 1066
- Macedonians
- Hoplites
- Persians
- Dwarfs
- Orcs
All of our painted figures will be the re-sculpted lines from Old Glory 2nd Edition or re-molded figures, to assure the best quality.
Instead of spending weeks, months, or years painting, you can now buy the bulk of your armies already painted and ready to go, at a more-than-reasonable cost. Just base them the way you want, and you're ready to play.
The prices for Old Glory Army members will be:
20-figure boxes = $42.00 USD. If you purchase 5 or more boxes, we will take an additional $2.00 USD off each box, bringing the boxed sets to $40.00 USD - which will give you your $2.00 USD a figure price!
The individual figures that are offered will be $2.60 USD for Old Glory Army members after their discount.
Non-Old Glory Army member prices are $70.00 USD for the 20-figure boxes, and $4.34 USD for the individual figures that are offered.