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3,552 hits since 22 Jan 2010

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Peter Johnstone of Spencer Smith Miniatures writes:

Aficionados of that 'old school' style will be interested to see the latest updates on the Spencer Smith website. This includes photos of the complete Jacklex 20mm range, which has a particularly impressive Colonial Wars section, as well as ACW, WWI and, something out of the ordinary, the 1905 Russo-Japanese War. The French Foreign Legion mule team pair (FL10) is a real gem, and many of the equipment and artillery items are superb by any standards. Fancy a Boer War Voortrekker wagon, complete with eight oxen and civilan drivers? It's right here!

BS1 Voortrekker Wagon and Boers

This 20mm range perfectly complements many of the soft plastic ranges available - hardly surprising, as they were closely based on the Airfix HO/OO figures available in the 1960s.

Also on view now are the Spencer Smith 30mm Zulu Wars range, and we've added a section for articles featuring the Spencer Smith and associated ranges, which kicks off with a piece by Rob Grace, who created the 30mm Wars of the Austrian Succession pieces, converted by him from the original Seven Years War range (as featured in The War Game) and now available for sale via Spencer Smith.

FL10 Mule company (Legionnaire marching and Legionnaire on mule)

The site is regularly maintained by Battlegames editor Henry Hyde, so if you collect Spencer Smith, Tradition, Willie, Holger Erikkson, Jacklex or Shiny Toy Soldier armies yourself and would like them featured in the Gallery section of the Spencer Smith site at the next update, then you can send your favourite photos to him at with "SSM Gallery Photos" in the subject line of your email. No more than two or three at a time, please, in high-quality JPG format.

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