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10mm Orcs & Half-Orcs from Copplestone

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Jay Arnold writes:

Must resist … at … all costssssss …

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Mark Copplestone of Copplestone Castings writes:

I've just been messing about with a small (in all senses) 10mm range - I`ve always liked that "epic" small-scale idea, and the LoTR films set me off again - I resisted for a while but ...I have started 10mm ranges before - at Foundry and Grenadier - but somehow they never made it into production.

The range will be compatible with Games Workshop's Warmaster game/rules - based on 40mm x 20mm stands - and each pack will give you a unit.

TM1 - Orcs

TM1 - Orcs

1 x command strip plus 5 Orc warrior strips. The Orcs are 9-10mm tall. Strips supplied as random variants. £5.25 GBP

TM2 - Half-Orcs with Spears

TM2 - Half-Orcs with Spears

1x command strip plus 5 x Half-Orcs with Spears. The elite warriors of the evil army. The Half-orcs are 11mm tall. £5.25 GBP

TM3 - Half-Orc Archers

TM3 - Half-Orc Archers

24 Half-Orc archers - stronger, braver and more disciplined than ordinary orcs. 11mm tall. £5.25 GBP

TM4 - War Trolls

TM4 - War Trolls

9 x War Trolls - the new, improved kind with more brains, more agility and more claws. 20-22mm tall. £5.25 GBP

Evil commanders, Mountain Trolls, giant wolves and wolf-riders out next month - with a batch of Future Wars packs.

For more information