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The Mexican War Flags Collection Now at TVAG

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Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP writes:

Dear Mike,

Yes, I'm afraid that by the 1860's the Army had become less "Mardi Gras" in its look on almost all levels, including the flags. While sometimes still fairly ornate, the nearly baroque curlicues and text styles had pretty much gone.

While researching the Mexican sources for the MAW we indeed happened on flags, both Republican and Imperial, and the former are different enough that they deserve being provided for themselves. Mind, the Imperial Colors and Standards appear as fancy--if not pretentious--as any then used in Europe, even though they share some fundamental elements of the traditional Mexican Flags (tri-color, the eagle, with and without snake or cactus, etc).

If you had any specific units in mind, we might be able to work up a small selection you or other interested parties, but I'm afraid we'd still need a commitment to buy from some number first. Our time is completely taken up from one project to the next, and until we get round to the French "Misadventure," we're making new products now we'd have to drop to do anything else.

Maybe I ought to run a Survey and find out which subjects customers would like to see, and in what order? I'm open to all ideas, any time!


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Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP of The Virtual Armchair General writes:

The Headline says it!

The Mexican War Flags Collection

After a highly successful Subscription, the complete Mexican War Flags Collection is now available for retail sale through TVAG.

With over 300 flags in all (partly depending on choice of 25mm or 15mm scale), there is hardly a unit of either army without its own flag(s).

Professionally printed by Don Perrin's QualityPOD, designer Eric Cox's work is beautiful and inspiring - frankly, especially for the Mexican flags!

Standard of the 5th Mexican Cavalry (Permanente)

The Mexican sets also include many scale Lance Pennants which may be mounted on your Mexican Lancer figures in either scale, plus guidons for companies, if the rules you use operate at that level.

All the "Sexy" units are included, such as the San Patricios (two flag designs for them), Texans, Ringold's Battery, the San Blas Battalion, Jalisco Lancers, Grenadiers (and Hussars) of the Supreme Powers, and many more.

If you'd like to learn more and see other samples, visit TVAG and follow the links to the Mexican War Flags Collection.

Oh, Cisco!

Oh, Pancho!

(Oh Brother)