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Arcane Power New for D&D

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sgibson writes:

I've really been enjoying the new 4th edition of Dungeons and Dragons. It makes for a miniatures-based game that is a lot of fun to play with my kids. The concept of at will, encounter, and daily powers, and healing surges let you have characters that stay in the battle for multiple battles in a day.

The roleplaying elements still exist to whatever level you want to play them. A lot of that is based on the inclinations of the DM and the players. From my perspective, the new edition is MUCH easier to run as a DM with not so much free time.

I'm also excited about the Arcane Power book that is coming out soon. Wizards and other arcane spellcasters in the new 4th edition have the ability to hurl spells at will, with limits on their more powerful spells (those at-will, encounter, and daily powers I mentioned). In previous editions, spellcasters were limited to a finite number of spells ('Vancian' magic, which I always likened to Batman's utility belt with limited/fixed spells per day).

The new book, like the martial powers book that was released a few months ago, will have new powers, cool feats and class abilities that will help you to personalize your character to be more like what you envision.
will give the arcane power using classes more flexibility, without making the game too complex (like 3rd and 3.5th edition).

Steve Gibson

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Wizards of the Coast announces:

Arcane Power is the latest in a line of player-friendly supplements offering hundreds of new options for D&D characters. This tome focuses on the arcane heroes: characters who wield strange and mysterious spells and rely on their mastery of magic for survival.

Arcane Power

This book provides new archetypical builds for the wizard, warlock, sorcerer, bard, and swordmage classes, including new character powers, feats, paragon paths, and epic destinies.

Item Code  217657200
Format Trade Hardcover
ISBN 9780786949571
Price $29.95 USD