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Khurasan Announces Thirty Years War Range

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khurasanminiatures writes:

Absolutely Daniel, many of the models will be too early for the ECW. But I think these Cuirassiers at least would be good for some of the best armoured ECW Horse.

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khurasanminiatures of Khurasan Miniatures writes:

Coinciding with the release of Field of Glory: Renaissance, we are pleased to announce that we will be making an 18mm scale Imperialist Thirty Years War range.  Mike Broadbent has in fact already created the first set, of German Kurassiere (Cuirassiers) in ¾ plate wearing their characteristic "zischagge" helmet.

Upcoming Black Cuirassiers from Khurasan Miniatures

Bringing to mind the romantic Pappenheim Cuirassiers, as well as similar first-rate Imperialist Horse led by such commanders as Piccolomini,  these pistoliers make for impressive units in their sinister black armour. They are also suitable for use in other armies, such as the Livonian or German Horse in full armour in Swedish armies, or as Haselrig's "Lobsters" in the English Civil War.

Why 18mm?  The slightly larger scale allows more detail, and the range can then be used with other popular ranges of Thirty Years War models.

These will be a special advance release for the line, and Mike will get back to making more sets for it once he works on a very unusual Eastern Renaissance army for me.  We hope to have models for the Imperial and Spanish/Imperial armies from White Mountain to Nordlingen.

These Black Cuirassiers will be ready to join your armies within a month and a half or so, with the rest of the codes coming out on 2011.

Watch for updates, and happy gaming!

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