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15mm Flexible Rivers Now Available

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unknown member writes:

Rivers in the morning, rivers in the afternoon, rivers in the evening, glug, glug, glug...................

Richard - we also tested the rivers in water - we soaked a river section all night in water and nothing happend to the color at all.

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18th Century
American Civil War
World War Two on the Land
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4,320 hits since 9 Feb 2005

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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unknown member of JR Miniatures writes:

We are excited to offer our first finished product, which is a line of finished river systems!

15mm river system with the Muddy River color scheme

The new river systems will be offered in 6mm, 15mm and 28mm scales and the 15mm system is the first to be released. The 6mm and 28mm rivers will be available March 1st (or sooner).

The rivers can be ordered in finished in either an Aerial Blue or Muddy River color scheme, and each river section will be unique. For the gamers who like to paint, the rivers are also available unfinished.

The rivers are made with an RTV Rubber, which does not shrink once cured (approx. 7 days) and is very durable. If the river becomes bent during storage, just lay on a flat surface and within a couple hours the river is good as new!

Other new products coming soon are:

New 15mm scale Roman Mile Fort
  • New & Improved 15mm Roman Mile Fort
  • 10mm Ancient/Medieval Buildings
New 10mm scale Ancient Village
  • 10mm Modern/WWII European Buildings
  • New & Improved 15mm ACW Camps
  • 6mm Vauban Fort System
New 10mm scale Factory in the WWII European line

For prices and more information go to our web-site -!