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Landorl writes:

They are now dragging Orc shamans into it, when the Orcs are not a magic-using race in Tolkein.

There can be and argument to support it. In Fellowship, when Gandalf was trying to open the door to Moria, he said that he once knew every spell for opening in the language of man, elves and orcs (not an exact quote). So there have been many who use that as an argument for orc spell casters.

Personally, I am a huge fan of Tolkien, but I take creative license any time that I play in Middle Earth.

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Games Workshop announces:

The forces of Mordor and the Fallen Realms religiously carry out the will of Sauron and have been involved in every major conflict in Middle-earth's history.

Legions of the Eye

This month, the armies of the Dark Lord are swelled by nine new metal sets, including two all-new Ringwraiths: The Knight of Umbar and The Betrayer.

Advance Order these and the other great new The Lord of the Rings miniatures here.