On release from 1st December 2005 to 31st January 2006, Little Big Men Studios has released a limited-edition banners sheet. It contains 3 Angelic banners, Virgin and Child, and St. Nicholas (the origin of Father Christmas!).
This sheet will be suitable for use on most Christian Dark Age to Medieval armies. As well as from LBMS, it is also available from Gripping Beast and Chiltern Miniatures.
Also, some new releases are Sassanid Banners and Jomsviking Banners available from LBMS and Gripping Beast; and Norman Lance Pennants available from LBMS, Gripping Beast, and Chiltern Miniatures.
Due for release early next week will be Sassanid, Spanish and Samnite transfers to fit A&A Miniatures - and hopefully before Christmas, transfers should be ready for Renegade Miniatures' Celts, Libyan Veterans and Velites.