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Vallejo Game Inks In Stock at The Last Square

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Peter of The Last Square writes:

We have just received our stock of the new Game Inks from Vallejo.

Here's what the Vallejo flyer say's about the Inks:

The inks, developed with a new resin, are used for shadows and for the application of colors in layers. When applied over a basecoat, the ink enters into folds and grooves of the figure, and instantly brings forth the features. They can also be mixed with the regular colors, or with the Mediums.

Glaze Medium will dilute Game Color and slow down drying time without the loss of adherence, and is also used for blending and layering.

The new Thinner can be used with the regular colors or with the inks to reduce viscosity for detailing and shadows.

Metallic Medium can be mixed with the colors or applied as a final coat to render a metallic sheen. Excellent for highlights.

These inks are sold at the same $3.00 USD per bottle as the rest of the Vallejo paints that we sell.

73 - Thinner
74 - Metallic Medium
85 - Yellow
86 - Red
87 - Violet
88 - Blue
89 - Green
90 - Black Green
91 - Sepia
92 - Brown
93 - Skin Wash
94 - Black

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