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SAS Blitz Buggy New from Chieftain

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BEF Miniatures writes:

The mould has been made, and casting is being done this week. It is the early version with the thinner mantlet suitable for Normandy.

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BEF Miniatures of Chieftain Models writes:

Latest release from Chieftain Models is a 1/56th scale Blitz Buggy.

Blitz Buggy

The Ford staff car was used by David Stirling and the SAS in a number of daring raids behind enemy lines, most notably infiltrating Axis-held Benghazi posing as German staff officers.

The pewter model has a large selection of stowage and four crew members.

Price: £17.00 GBP


Also shown is the C11 ADF as used by Count Almazy and his Brandenburger unit behind British lines in 1942.

Price: £16.00 GBP