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Empress Miniatures: 28mm Wild West Horses

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Rogues1 writes:

Those are some nicely painted figures

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Empress Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP of Empress Miniatures writes:

A kind of terrain piece.

Wild West horses

The logic behind this range is that all relevant characters come both mounted and dismounted. So, for example, your figure Liberty Valance rides into town and dismounts, intent on mischief. He 'parks' his horse and moves on. However, you need to mark where he left his horse, as he may need to find it in a hurry. Certainly, if he was robbing a bank.

Wild West horses

So this set comes with a hitching post and two horses, plus separate stirrups for you to fix as you wish. The hitching post comes with a base, so is stand-alone. You can then place the horses when they are 'parked'. Or you can do as I have done in the picture, and base them.

Wild West horses

Please note that there are no reins. The ones in the picture have been added by cutting some thin paper. This also allows you to do the old cowboy trick of training your horse to stand still when you dropped the reins. Evidently, they tied the reins to rocks until they were trained. So model some horses with the reins hanging straight down.

Wild West horses

The models come unpainted and unbased and without added tumbleweed.

For more information

Text edited by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian
Graphics edited by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian