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Unspeakable Oath Reanimating for 2007

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Ambassador writes:

Always loved that publication, from when it was a tiny little black and white digest and then when it blew up to major magazine size. Never had a steady source for it, but I loved (and still have) every issue I ever bought. Hope this holds up to the quality of the old publication.

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Michael J. Varhola of Skirmisher Publishing announces:

The stars are right for the return of The Unspeakable Oath!

The Unspeakable Oath

Skirmisher Publishing LLC is excited to announce that it is partnering with Pagan Publishing to resurrect The Unspeakable Oath, a leading periodical devoted to various manifestations of Lovecraftian horror in games, books, and films.

The Unspeakable Oath was last published in 2001, and the partnership will resurrect it in summer 2007 as an annual digest, containing top-notch articles, scenarios, and support material for Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu, Pagan's Delta Green campaign setting, Skirmisher's Cthulhu Live, and more.

For more information, contact Skirmisher at