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UH-1D Slick New for Flames Of War: Vietnam

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Gecoren writes:

I like the idea of having the plastic rotors available separately. £14.00 GBP for the UK. Not bad at all.

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Battlefront Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP of Battlefront Miniatures Ltd writes:

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UH-1D Slick (VUSBX03)

The most widely used military helicopter, the Bell UH-1 series Iroquois - better known as the "Huey" - began arriving in Vietnam in 1963. Before the end of the conflict, more than 5,000 of these versatile aircraft were introduced into Southeast Asia. "Hueys" were used for MedEvac, command-and-control, and air assault; to transport personnel and materiel; and as gunships.

UH-1D Slick (VUSBX03)

UH-1Ds were nicknamed 'Slicks' because they didn't have all of the encumbrances of the gunships. While the UH-1D was rated for two crew and twelve passengers, in Vietnam the crew was increased to include a crew chief and a door gunner.

UH-1D Slick (VUSBX03)

The number of passengers was further decreased by the thinner air of the 'hot and high' conditions of the Vietnamese highlands, with even six passengers proving a heavy load in the worst conditions.

UH-1D Slick (VUSBX03)

Despite all the difficulties, the chopper pilots prided themselves in getting their passengers in, even under fire, and evacuating any wounded.

UH-1D Slick (VUSBX03)

It was dangerous work, and many helicopters came home riddled with bullet holes, and with wounded pilots and crew.

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