The 100 Club (our customer-request 28mm miniatures service) does not just help provide figures for those unusual units that other manufacturers might overlook - it can give you whole armies! The Seven Years War Saxons, sculpted by Alan Marsh, are another 100 Club success story. Despite the popularity of the SYW, the Saxons are not well represented in the world of miniatures, but here you will find all the infantry, cavalry and artillery you will need for a complete army.

Our range includes Musketeers, Fusiliers, and Grenadiers (supplemented with Guard Grenadiers), plus the usual command and musician figures - all available in a choice of either "marching" or "at attention" poses. Amongst the musician figures can found an Oboist and a Bassoonist, as well as the drummers and fifers. Cuirassiers, Dragoons/Chevauxlegers, and Hussars are all represented in the cavalry, in addition to some figures specifically designed for the Graf Brühl Chevauxlegers. The Hussars can be ordered in a choice of mirliton or colpack headgear, and both the Hussars and the Dragoons/Chevauxlegers come in dismounted versions for fighting on foot, complete with horse holders. Two items round off the range: a selection of Polish Uhlans (who fought as Saxon allies), and Saxon artillery crew. For their artillery pieces, we would recommend the generic guns from our Age of Reason range (see 100AOR31 or 100AOR65).
We enjoy making figures for this period, and we are always interested in more 'Three Cornered Hat'/Age of Reason projects for our 100 Club, and if they can generate enough interest we will make them. So if there are other relatively obscure 18th Century armies you would like to grace your tabletops, why not put in a submission via the 100 Club?

Here are the codes and details for the new figures:
28mm Seven Years War Saxons 1756-63
Sculpted by Alan Marsh.
The number in parentheses indicates the available figure variants for each code.
100AOR100 - 1756-63 Saxon Musketeer, march-attack (4)
100AOR100a - 1756-63 Saxon Musketeer, at attention (1)
100AOR101 - 1756-63 Saxon Musketeer officer, marching with spontoon (1)
100AOR101a - 1756-63 Saxon Musketeer officer, at attention with spontoon (1)
100AOR102 - 1756-63 Saxon Musketeer standard bearer, marching (1)
100AOR102a - 1756-63 Saxon Musketeer standard bearer, at attention (1)
100AOR103 - 1756-63 Saxon Musketeer drummer, marching (1)
100AOR103a - 1756-63 Saxon Musketeer drummer, at attention (1)
100AOR104 - 1756-63 Saxon Musketeer sergeant, marching with halberd (1)
100AOR104a - 1756-63 Saxon Musketeer sergeant, at attention with halberd (1)
100AOR105 - 1756-63 Saxon Fusilier, march-attack (4)
100AOR105a - 1756-63 Saxon Fusilier, at attention (1)
100AOR106 - 1756-63 Saxon Fusilier officer, marching with musket (1)
100AOR106a - 1756-63 Saxon Fusilier officer, at attention with musket (1)
100AOR107 - 1756-63 Saxon Fusilier standard bearer, marching (1)
100AOR107a - 1756-63 Saxon Fusilier standard bearer, at attention (1)
100AOR108 - 1756-63 Saxon Fusilier drummer, marching (1)
100AOR108a - 1756-63 Saxon Fusilier drummer, at attention (1)
100AOR109 - 1756-63 Saxon Fusilier sergeant, marching with musket (1)
100AOR109a - 1756-63 Saxon Fusilier sergeant, at attention with musket (1)
100AOR110 - 1756-63 Saxon Grenadier, march-attack (4)
100AOR110a - 1756-63 Saxon Grenadier, at attention (1)
100AOR111 - 1756-63 Saxon Grenadier officer, marching with musket (1)
100AOR111a - 1756-63 Saxon Grenadier officer, at attention with musket (1)
100AOR112 - 1756-63 Saxon Grenadier pioneer (1)
100AOR113 - 1756-63 Saxon Grenadier drummer, marching (1)
100AOR113a - 1756-63 Saxon Grenadier drummer, at attention (1)
100AOR114 - 1756-63 Saxon Grenadier sergeant, marching with musket (1)
100AOR114a - 1756-63 Saxon Grenadier sergeant, at attention with musket (1)
100AOR115 - 1756-63 Saxon Guard Grenadier, march-attack (4)
100AOR115a - 1756-63 Saxon Guard Grenadier standing at attention (1)
100AOR116 - 1756-63 Saxon Guard Grenadier officer, marching with musket (1)
100AOR117 - 1756-63 Saxon Guard Grenadier standard bearer, marching (1)
100AOR118 - 1756-63 Saxon Guard Grenadier drummer, marching (1)
100AOR119 - 1756-63 Saxon Guard Grenadier sergeant, marching with musket (1)
100AOR120 - 1756-63 Saxon mounted officer (1)
100AOR121 - 1756-63 Saxon mounted general (1)
100AOR122 - 1756-63 Saxon Oboist, marching (1)
100AOR123 - 1756-63 Saxon Bassoonist, marching (1)
100AOR124 - 1756-63 Saxon Artillery crew (4)
100AOR125 - 1756-63 Saxon Line Battalion artillery assistant set - 2 figure set
100AOR126 - 1756-63 Saxon Musketeer fifer standing (1)
100AOR127 - 1756-63 Saxon Musketeer fifer marching (1)
100AOR128 - 1756-63 Saxon Grenadier fifer standing (1)
100AOR129 - 1756-63 Saxon Grenadier fifer marching (1)
100AOR140 - 1756-63 Saxon Cuirassier trooper, at ease (4)
100AOR141 - 1756-63 Saxon Cuirassier kettle drummer (1)
100AOR142 - 1756-63 Saxon Cuirassier trumpeter (1)
100AOR143 - 1756-63 Saxon Cuirassier officer (1)
100AOR144 - 1756-63 Saxon Cuirassier standard bearer (1)
100AOR145 - 1756-63 Saxon Dragoon/Chevauleger trooper, walking (4)
100AOR146 - 1756-63 Saxon Dragoon/Chevauleger drummer (1)
100AOR147 - 1756-63 Saxon Dragoon/Chevauleger officer (1)
100AOR148 - 1756-63 Saxon Dragoon/Chevauleger standard bearer (1)
100AOR149 - 1756-63 Saxon Dragoon/Chevauleger dismounted, skirmishing (4)
100AOR150 - 1756-63 Saxon Dragoon/Chevauleger dismounted at attention (1)
100AOR151 - 1756-63 Saxon Dragoon/Chevauleger horse holder & horses - 3 figure set
100AOR152 - 1756-63 Saxon Regiment Brühl trooper, walking (4)
100AOR153 - 1756-63 Saxon Regiment Brühl drummer (1)
100AOR154 - 1756-63 Saxon Regiment Brühl officer (1)
100AOR155 - 1756-63 Saxon Regiment Brühl standard bearer (1)
100AOR156 - 1756-63 Saxon Hussar in Mirliton, walking (4)
100AOR157 - 1756-63 Saxon Hussar in Colpack, walking (4)
100AOR158 - 1756-63 Saxon Hussar Officer pelisse & mirliton (1)
100AOR159 - 1756-63 Saxon Hussar Officer pelisse & colpack (1)
100AOR160 - 1756-63 Saxon Hussar Trumpeter pelisse & mirliton (1)
100AOR161 - 1756-63 Saxon Hussar dismounted, mirliton, skirmishing (4)
100AOR162 - 1756-63 Saxon Hussar dismounted, colpack, skirmishing (4)
100AOR163 - 1756-63 Saxon Hussar horse holder & horses, mirliton - 4 figure set
100AOR164 - 1756-63 Saxon Hussar horse holder & horses, colpack - 4 figure set
100AOR165 - 1756-63 Polish Uhlans in action (4)
Customers in the U.S.A. or the U.K. can choose to order our figures from our representatives Eureka Miniatures U.S.A. or Fighting 15s respectively, as well as directly from us.